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United States

2012 Presidential Election

Presidents' Day

Library of Congress - U.S. Presidents 
President for a Day - The Democracy Project | PBS KIDS GO!
Presidents' Day - Apples 4 the teacher - U.S. Presidents  PresidentsDay Games 
Mr. Nussbaum's Animated Biographies

United States Government

The United States, Capitals, & Facts


Native Americans

United States History

United States Geography & Landforms

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus Short Stories
Christopher Columbus Video - National Geography 

February is Black History Month

  1. Black History Month PouerPoints
  2. Slavery in America
  3. Harriet Tubman — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts
  4. Harriet Tubman Web Hunt | The Underground Railroad | Scholastic 
  5. The Underground Railway, Escape from Slavery
  6. Harriet Tubman - PBS
  7. Harriet Tubman timeline
  8. Harriet Tubman Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -
  9. Harriet Tubman timeline
  10. Harriet Tubman: Civil War Spy -- National Geographic Kids

The Underground Railway

  1. Slavery in America
  2. Harriet Tubman — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts
  3. Harriet Tubman Web Hunt | The Underground Railroad | Scholastic 
  4. The Underground Railway, Escape from Slavery
  5. Harriet Tubman - PBS
  6. Harriet Tubman timeline
  7. Harriet Tubman Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -
  8. Harriet Tubman timeline
  9. Harriet Tubman: Civil War Spy -- National Geographic Kids